Hi, my name is Mrs. Baxter. Welcome to my
My Philosophy on Education The goal of education should provide learning experiences that will produce citizens who will make positive contributions to an ever-changing society. Not only should education prepare students for the role of leader, but also the everyday citizen. Essential skills should be taught to all students. Students should receive instruction in Language Arts, Math, Computers, Fine Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education. Students should be able to master the information by following instructional lessons that will engage them in progressively more challenging learning tasks. Education should develop in each student the ability to work cooperatively, be willing to accept responsibility, be considerate of others, develop a positive self concept, and to develop personal self respect. The real world is outside of the classroom, and what students learn must be relevant to what's happening out there. As an educator, I will model critical thinking skills in the classroom. I will provide a positive environment created for learning. I will acknowledge and accommodate individual learning styles. I will exhibit a warm and nurturing attitude that expresses genuine interest and affection toward the students. A safe, open, caring, and supportive environment is an essential element in the education of others. If you need to contact me, my e-mail address is baxtern@ues.poteau.k12.ok.us . The school phone number is 647-7760. Poteau Upper Elementary Authorization Form. |